Southern California ResourcesMerchants:
Dragonmarsh (951-276-1116) http://www.dragonmarsh.com
3643 University Avenue, Riverside, California 92501
e-mail dragonmarsh@aol.com
Your number one source for boning, casings, hoops & corset supplies.
Call for directions for FREE downtown parking.
Come see the new fabric vault.
We are now in the Historical Jackson Building.Alter Years (626-614-9400; FAX 626-614-9499)
8960 E. Huntington Dr., San Gabriel, CA 91775
Sylvia Davis
Ladies Dressmaker(562) 425-4946
BOOKSWe recommend buying them in this order, if cost is a factor for you. We've put the most useful books first. Also, try borrowing them from the library, or ask your librarian about "Inter Library Loan." Many are available via Inter Library Loan from university Drama Departments.
"Whatever Shall I Wear?: A Guide to Assembling a Woman's Basic 18th Century Wardrobe" - by Mara Riley ISBN 0963158-7-3; 2002; Graphics/Fine Arts Press (PO Box 321), Excelsior Springs, MO (64024); Approx. $12.95 + Postage
http://www.epsi.net/graphic/whatever.html"Tidings from the 18th Century" - by Beth Gilgun
ISBN: 1880655047; Scurlock Pub Co. (903-832-4726), Second Edition, May 1993 (1st edition date). Do make sure you get the SECOND edition, green cover, vs. the first edition, blue cover. Approx. $33 + Postage
http://www.scurlockpublishing.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=24"Period Costume for Stage & Screen: Patterns for Women's Dress 1500-1800" - by Jean Hunnisett ISBN: 0887346103; Publisher: Players Press; (March 1991); Approx. $59 + Postage
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0887346103/qid=1047588481/sr=2-1/ref=sr_2_1/102-8063787-8034560"Costume Close Up : Clothing Construction and Pattern, 1750-1790" - by Linda Baumgarten ISBN: 0896762262; Costume and Fashion Press, January 4, 2000; Approx. $25 + Postage
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0896762262/ref=pd_sim_books/002-3003557-7620802"Fitting & Proper" - by Sharon Ann Burnston
ISBN: 1880655101; Scurlock Pub Co . (903-832-4726), March 1, 2000; Approx. $29 + Postage
http://www.scurlockpublishing.com//index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=27"Costume in Detail : 1730-1930" - by Nancy Bradfield
ISBN: 0896762173; Quite Specific Media Group Ltd, November 1997; Approx. $35 + Postage
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0896762173/ref=pd_sim_books/002-3003557-7620802Bibliography of Costume Research by Fritz & Kathleen Kannick
Sorted by a variety of topics, including a list specifically for "newbies."
http://www.kannikskorner.com/research.htmINTERNET WEBSITES Wm. Booth Draper - Linen and Woolen Draper, Haberdasher &c. - A large an excellent assortment of linen checks and stripes, linen hollands, cords, diaper, and jeans, Scotch, Irish and flaxen ozenbrigs; Russia sheetings, Hessen, Russia and ravens duck, canvas; plains, serge, broadcloths, woolens, worsteds, white flannels, scarlet, drab, light and dark blue, brown, claret, garnet, sage, purple and pea green, coarse cloths; coloured threads, Scotch threads; wool doubled, and ready for knitting; mould, thread and wire shirt buttons; fashionable plated and brass buttons; Indian binding, white, and red, white twist, white tapes, colour'd silk ribbon, worsted braid, gold lace; scissors, bodkins, stilleto; brass, Pinchbeck, shoe and knee buckles, plain sleeve links; with a general assortment of other goods.
Patterns of Time - Specialized in Historical, Ethnic, and Fantasy Costuming
Offering an extensive line of sewing patterns, books, cloak clasps, kilt pins,
penannulars, buttons, brooches and accessories for the period accurate re-
enactor and costume enthusiasthttp://www.patternsoftime.com/
Ghost Forge - Creators of historical re-enactment clothing costumes for men and women of the 18th century. We feature early colonial, French and Indian War and Revolutionary War clothing and accessories for the serious re-enactor.
Just Two Tailors - Fine 18th century clothing. Between them, Rick and Carol have nearly 30 years of experience researching and manufacturing 18th century clothing for the movie/film industry, museums, and living history re-enactors.
18thC New England - this site has everything you need to know to put together a basic woman's outfit for the RevWar, including tips on cold-weather dressing, info on men's and children's clothing, and accoutrements. It also includes links to quality suppliers and tips on how to do things cheap and quickly on a budget.
http://www.18cnewenglandlife.org/Shift Pattern - http://www.nwta.com/patterns/pdfs/511shift.pdf
Petticoat Pattern and Information - http://www.18cnewenglandlife.org/petticoat.htm
Shortgowns and Bedgowns: Information, tips on patterns and resources - http://www.18cnewenglandlife.org/short_gown.htm
Cap Patterns and Information - http://www.18cnewenglandlife.org/Caps.htm
Apron Pattern and Information - http://www.18cnewenglandlife.org/aprons%20Nov%2000.htm
Stays Information and Construction Tips -
http://www.marariley.net/stays/1740-60%20stays.htmWhat's Wrong with my (French/English) Bodice? - http://www.18cnewenglandlife.org/Quilted%20Bodice.htm
Helpful E-Lists An "E-List" is a group of people who talk to each other via email about a particular topic. Free, easy, and so very very helpful!
RevWarCostuming: Just clothing, very good info, great group of folks - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RevWarCostume
18cWoman: Everything pertaining to 18thC women, huge group, really wonderful - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/18cWoman
And: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/18cWoman/message/27525Glossary of Commonly Used Costuming Terms This is a tough one. You're going to hear all kinds of words you've never heard before. Just know that it confuses all of us.
Glossary of Women's Clothing Terms from Colonial Williamsburg: Includes handy pix for illustration.
http://www.history.org/history/clothing/women/wglossary.cfmDictionary of 18th Century Clothing Terms: From the Northwest Territorial Alliance
http://www.nwta.com/patterns/pdfs/111dict.pdfGlossary of 18th Century Costume Terminology: These are clothing terms, as well as fabric terms
http://www.ai.mit.edu/people/sfelshin/revwar/glossary.htmlGlossary of Textile Terms: A handy glossary to figure out what fabric terms mean.
http://www.18cnewenglandlife.org/glossary.htmSuppliers Burnley and Trowbridge Fabrics and Patterns
Reproductions and Fabrics -- Heather's personal recommendation
ReproductionFabrics.com is a source of cotton reproduction fabrics for costumers and quilters. Fabrics of time periods 1775-1950, as well as indigo-dyed prints. We have the largest selection of reproduction fabrics on the web, including the "newest" of the old.
The Recollections of J.P. Ryan - http://www.jpryan.com/ladiespatterns.html
Kannik's Korner (937-325-8385) - http://www.kannikskorner.com/
Mill Farm (Call Burnley & Trowbridge, 757-253-1644) - http://www.burnleyandtrowbridge.com/
Period Impressions Contact your favorite sutler, or - http://www.longago.com/
Approved Commercial Pattern List by NWTA - http://www.nwta.com/patterns/compat.htmlFabric, Trim and Sewing Necessities
Linen at the best price ANYWHERE (888-546 3654) (3.5 oz good for shifts, higher weights good for petticoats, etc.)
Burnley & Trowbridge: (757-253-1644) Wool, linen canvas for stays, patterns, MORE! - http://www.burnleyandtrowbridge.com/
Wooded Hamlet Designs: (717-597-1782) Linen thread, silk ribbon, MORE! - http://www.woodedhamlet.com/
Carolina Calicoes: (276- 694-4065) Reproduction 18thC cottons, linens and wools. - http://www.carolinacalicoes.com/Jewelry
Historic Delights
Specializing in 18th century-style jewelry
www.historicdelights.comCustom Made Jewelry
Janet Girard jagwear@hotmail.com
http://www.jagwearjewelry.comReady-Made and Custom Clothing
Earthly Delights ~ music, dance and costumes
http://www.earthlydelights.com.au Period Garments for Women, Men and Children
Art & Artifact: (800/231-6766) http://www.artandartifact.com
G. Gedney Godwin: (610/783-0670; Fax: 610/783-6083) Specialists in 18th Century Military Reproductions http://www.gggodwin.com
Smiling Fox Forge: (419-334-8180) Multi-department catalog - http://www.smilingfoxforgellc.com/
Jas. Townsend and Son, Inc.: (574-594-5852; Fax: 574/594-5580) Multi-department catalog - http://www.jastown.com/
Smoke & Fire Company: (419 878-8535; 800-Smoke-Fi (766-5334);Fax: 419 878-3653) Catalog of Colonial, Scottish, and Medieval Clothing, Patterns, Books, Historic Camp Gear, & Period Accoutrements - http://www.smoke-fire.com
Vision Forum: (800-440-0022) Clothes for boys CHEAP Search on "colonial" - http://www.visionforum.com
Amazon Drygoods: 411 Brady Street, Davenport, IA, 52801-1518
For Questions: 563-322-4138
For Orders: 800-798-7979 (For the U.S. and Canada)Shoes
Fugawee: (800-749 0387) Reproduction shoes, stockings, and buckles - http://www.fugawee.com/Hats
Dirty Billy's Hats (410-775-1865) - http://www.dirtybillyshats.com/18th.htmList of Traders sorted by item category: http://www.living-history.net/CRTRADER.HTM
RevList's Merchants List: http://www.liming.org/revlist/
And a Quick Tutorial for a RevWar Uniform 1. Go to your local fabric store and buy Mc Call's pattern numbers 2257, 2258 or 2259 depending on your size. If they gouge you it will be about $6.00 You can get them on sale for about $1.00.
2. Fabrics are as as follows: for enlisted uniforms poplin is great, it is almost like the original canvas that was used for private soldiers. Officers, since they could afford better, used linen or wool but you will have a tough time finding solid colors in linen or wool. Percale bed sheets make great shirts - it is permanent press and costs about 4.00 a yard at Wal-mart and if you buy bedsheets it makes two shirts because it is 90" wide. Poplin usually runs about $5.00 a yard at any fabric store and comes in all the right bright colors.
3. Buttons are a real problem, if you want authenticity, I suggest that you used either a pewter or brass flat button, but you could make your own. The soldiers had a button mold carried by one in their unit and made the buttons out of bullets, they made a button and sewed it on their uniforms when they needed to. If you have seen the movie "The Patriot" then you will remember the hero making bullets from his sons lead soldiers - buttons were made the same way.
4. The total cost for a uniform is about $100.00 you then can afford to buy a sewing machine and screw up about 6 times before you reach the price of a tailor made uniform.
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