

The music of this dance will be found in Curwen's Edition, No. 5675, price 1s.

For three couples. Danced in two lines, the dancers being one behind the other, facing the audience: ladies all one side, gentlemen the other.


2 bars. All go forward for one bar, beginning with the foot away from your partner (outside foot).
1. One step forward.
2. The other foot up behind.
3. One step forward.
4. Put foot in front very pointed.
Repeat, going backwards.
2 bars. Face partners and repeat as above. In setting thus to partners the ladies pass the gentlemen, and the lines intersect, both lines bending backwards while pointing the foot in front, and all looking over their shoulders at their partners.
2 bars. Take partner's right hand and balancez towards partner and away twice.
2 bars. Take both hands of partner and turn with a little ordinary running step.,
8 bars. Repeat the whole again.


2 bars. First gentleman now takes his partner's right hand, and standing in front of her (with his back to the audience), they shake hands for one bar, both meanwhile dancing, pointing the toe and heel with the right foot twice.
The gentleman passes on the outside to the next lady, while the first lady slightly waves her hand in farewell, and turns her head to watch him.
2 bars. Repeat with second lady.
6 bars. Repeat with the third lady, first with the right hand and then with the left, turn the lady under to the right and kiss her, then turn her to the left and kiss her, and pose, holding both hands until the end of the phrase of music, with feet pointed.
10 bars. The first gentleman then repeats, coming up the centre, giving his left hand to the ladies, and taking theirs, he turns his own partner and kisses her.


16 bars. Repeat the whole of the 1st figure here, only instead of the first step forward, the lines now face each other, holding hands, and run forward four steps, run backwards four steps.
Turn. During this turn the first couple changes places with the second couple, and in the repeat of the figure at the 2nd turn changes places with the third couple.

20 bars. Repeat the 2nd figure, the 2nd couple being now in front as 1st couple.
16 bars. Repeat the 1st figure, this time linking arms in the forward runs, couples changing places as before.
20 bars. Repeat 2nd figure. The original 3rd couple is now the first.
16 bars. Repeat 1st figure, doing as at first the step forward, and end in original places.

The whole dance is repeated, the ladies doing what the gentlemen did previously.

For performances, three times is quite sufficient, otherwise the dance is too long.

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