Betsy Ross' Five Point Star in One Cut

As featured at the Sea to Shining Sea Exhibition at Sea World by the Riverside English Country Dancers.

Start with an 8 1/2" x 11 piece of paper.
click on the picture above for a larger picture

Fold it in half and crease the top.
click on the picture above for a larger picture

Bring the upper right hand corner to the center of the left hand side. Crease.
click on the picture above for a larger picture

Fold the corner back on itself until it meets the right hand side. Crease.
click on the picture above for a larger picture

Fold the left side over. Crease.
click on the picture above for a larger picture

Turn it over and fold the little
flap over. Crease.  

click on the picture above for a larger picture

You should have something that looks like a funny paper airplane.
click on the picture above for a larger picture

Mark a line as shown here.
click on the picture above for a larger picture

Cut from the open flap on the right to the crease on the left.
click on the picture above for a larger picture

Voila! you have a perfect 5 point star in one cut!
click on the picture above for a larger picture

George Washington inspecting the progress on the flag at Sea World  September 2004.

This webpage is ©copyrighted 2004 by Heather Smart
Betsy Ross portrayed by Tere Whieldon
George Washington portrayed by Verne White